Following The Minion




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When I was about 11 I randomly decided I wanted to stop holding my Mum’s hand. I was, of course, a sassy independent woman of the world. There was no way my Ma was going to cramp my style. I remember her being absolutely devastated.

Well karma has slapped me in the face. Sonny apparently found his independence far earlier than I ever managed to. He didn’t want to hold my hand. If I am totally honest its been happening for a while but I’ve basically been in denial about it. But he made sure it wasn’t going to happen. We went to Regent’s Park and he kept shaking my hand off (oh the rejection) so while we were there and it was safe I decided I would just trust him to walk on his own, ‘Sonny you can walk on your own if you are sensible’ etc. He has the tendency to run away. Totally without warning. Just bolts it. He’s rapid.

So obviously I was ready to sprint after him at any given moment. But he was SO GOOD. He stayed walking by my side the whole time, never ran off (ok once, but to be fair there was a pigeon that was very tempting, and as soon as I told him to come back he did.)

And on the way to Regent’s Park he said, ‘I want animals please’ (Here’s the video of me finally understanding what he was trying to say!) He recognised the bus route and remembered that there was a zoo there. As he asked so nicely we went to the zoo after. Obviously went to see the penguins first.

He also said, ‘Finding Nemo’ when we were in the aquarium and there was a fish that looked like Dory. SO CLEVER!

And then on the way home on the bus he asked to sit on my lap and gave me lots of cuddles. Even though he is growing up so fast and getting really independent (which is SO GREAT) I cant help but feel a little bit sad that he wont be a little boy forever!


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He’s Growing Up So Fast!

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Sonny is saying words now that I had no idea he could say.

I decided to take my boy to Regent’s Park as it was such a lovely day outside.

We were having a blast on the climbing frame when something monumentally awesome happened.

He turned to me and started saying something, it took me about 5 minutes to work out what it was, I asked him to sign it, to repeat it like a hundred times. Until the penny dropped and I realised he was saying, ‘animals’. I don’t know whether it was because we had seen animals at Battersea Park last week, or he remembered somehow that Regent’s Park has a zoo in it, but it was then that I realised I had a little GENIUS on my hands.

It took me a while to stop freaking out (just to make sure we were on the same page I got my phone out and showed him some pictures of the zoo and said, is this where you want to go? Are you sure? The zoo? With the animals?) He started getting annoyed after saying yes for the fifth time.

And so an impromptu trip to the zoo was had.

Sonny took control of the map (probably because he now used to my shocking sense of direction!)

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Sonny has developed an unexplainable but fierce interest in penguins. We set up camp by them and watched them swimming for ages. When I eventually got him to come with me to look somewhere else he kept saying, ‘penguins’ paired with a little jig (click here to see!)

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Off we trotted back to the penguins! We went and played on the climbing frame for a while and also saw the butterfly enclosure bit (which I hate. I was petrified of them getting in my mouth, Sonny was intent on trying to grab them by the wings. Stressful.) But he seemed to really enjoy his sunny day (on my Sonny day!)

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I am so proud of how far Sonny has come in the last few months, I can’t believe his progress! I will cherish all these moments while he is young, they won’t last long I am sure! As much as I am thrilled that he is doing so well in his development, I am also a little tiny bit sad he is growing up so fast…

His feet are nearly as big as mine!

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